Leadership and Character
Leadership and Character @ Whitley Secondary School

Whitley Secondary School (WSS) is committed to nurturing a caring and learning community of leaders, who embody the school values of perseverance, respect, integrity, discipline and empathy. The school firmly believes that every Whitleyan is a leader and all students have opportunities to be trained and developed into effective leaders through the 3E1M developmental approach: Expose (personal leadership); Empower (peer leadership); Excel (team leadership); and Mentor (community leadership).
At WSS, students can take on different leadership positions: prefects, CCA leaders, peer support leaders, class leaders, house captains and after-school engagement leaders. Adopting James Kouzes and Barry Posner’s Leadership Challenge Model, our student leaders are developed to impact our community through the demonstration of the five exemplary leadership practices of modelling the way, inspiring a shared vision, challenging the process, enabling others to act, and encouraging the heart. In the process, our student leaders develop self-awareness and sensitivity towards others, are able to consider different perspectives, grow in empathy and compassion, build strong resilience, and are better equipped to lead self and others.
Do you have the desire to lead and to serve?
At the heart of leadership is the heart of service. At WSS, we nurture exemplary student leaders who have the heart to care and the will to learn. You will be given opportunities to plan and organise school events and values-in-action projects, and to effect changes in student-initiated school improvement projects. Through a wide range of projects and developmental opportunities, you will be able to discover your talents and develop your leadership skills, abilities and character, through discipline, dedication, teamwork and perseverance.
If you have the desire to lead and serve, join us and be part of our family.
Who should apply?
If you are keen on developing yourself holistically, aspire to develop the leader in you, this programme is for you.
The following will be our criteria for selection:
• Students with very good/ excellent conduct
• Assumed leadership position in primary school – in CCA, class or committees
• Possess character attributes that show empathy, discipline and responsibility
• An Interview (to prepare a portfolio of leadership experiences)
• The following experiences/ achievements would be advantageous:
- Participated in school or community projects
- Recipient of MOE Edusave Character Award (ECHA)
*Parents and students are encouraged to choose schools wisely based on the student’s aptitudes and strengths, bearing in mind the schools’ academic and non-academic requirements, and the programmes available to develop the area of talent.
Please note that students who are successfully admitted to the school via DSA are expected to honour their commitment to the school and participate in the activities related to the talent they are selected for from year 1- 4.*
Please note that meeting all the criteria does not guarantee the student will be shortlisted/given an offer.
Application for DSA-Sec can be submitted through the online DSA-Sec Portal.
The application is free-of-charge and will be open from 7 May 2024, 11am
to 3 June 2024, 3pm.
Please refer to MOE website – www.moe.gov.sg/dsa-sec
Should your child be shortlisted for an interview, you will be contacted between 24 June and 9 September 2024.
Useful MOE weblinks:
• DSA-Sec Main Webpage
• Instructions on Application (Mainstream students)
• Instructions on Application (Non Mainstream Students)
• Direct to DSA-Sec Portal (Mainstream Students) * go live on 4 May, 11am
• Direct to DSA-Sec Portal (Non Mainstream Students) * go live on 4 May,
• DSA-Sec iFAQs
• DSA-Sec School Finder
Contact Details
Ms Winnie Kok (SH Student Leadership)
Email: kok_pei_shan_winnie@schools.gov.sg
School Code: 3015